Thursday, August 02, 2007

We do our best but sometimes...

Do you know that feeling when things are humming along very smoothly and then BAM, something throws a kink in the works, and you're left standing with your mouth open not sure what to do? OK, maybe that's a little bit melodramatic for the situation we are trying to describe, but we've had that sort of experience for the last few days.

We have some terrific folks who work our route for the shipping carriers we use - you know the type, dependable, punctual, and now, unfortunately, ALL on vacation at the SAME time. Enter the substitutes. Gone is our reliable schedule for incoming and outgoing shipments. Packages may or may not show up or get picked up as scheduled. We may get deliveries at 8 am or 8 pm. ARRGH! We know the subs are doing their best, but this has reminded us of a couple important things: being flexible is a good thing, and always have a backup plan. And most importantly, you can never let those folks who help your business run smoothly know too often how much you appreciate them.

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